
200 Religion

201 Religious mythology & social theology

201.4 General classes of religion

Theological Commons – from Princeton Theological Seminary – a digital library of over 110,000 resources on theology and religion. It consists mainly of public domain books and also includes periodicals, audio recordings, photographs, manuscript collections, and other formats.

202 Doctrines

203 Public Worship & Other Practices

204 Religious Experience, Life, & Practice

205 Religious Ethics

206 Leaders and Organizations

206.1 Sermon Preparation

PreachingandWorship.org – Curated resources for preachers.

207 Missions & Religious Education

208 Sources

209 Sects & Reform Movements

210 Philosophy & Theory of Religion

220 The Bible

Bible.org – Where the world comes to study the Bible.

230 Christianity

240 Christian Practice & Observance

250 Christian Pastoral Practice & Religious Orders

260 Christian Organization, Social Work, & Worship

270 History of Christianity

280 Christian Denominations

290 Other Religions